Facebook Advertising
Since 2009 I have been advertising on Facebook.
A few things I’ve noticed:
1. Facebook is trying to improve its interface for advertisers consistently, with a big change every 4-6 months.
2. The prices of a Facebook ad has skyrocketed. (I ran the exact same campaign in 2009 and again in 2011. Price per click in 2009 for an ad targeting college males : 15 cents to 20 cents. 2011 cost: $1.10 a click.
3. Facebook’s population is huge, its not just teens and college age people. Try advertising to the unexpected demographic and you will find cheap clicks. There is a population on Facebook for nearly anything.
4. The Facebook Advertising market has a low barrier to entry, but to do it right… that takes considerable experience.
5. Positive ROI E-commerce is possible. It just takes more experience to do right.