Alex Pokorny
Digital Marketer

Facebook Advertising / April 25, 2012

Facebook Advertising

Since 2009 I have been advertising on Facebook.   A few things I’ve noticed: 1. Facebook is trying to improve its interface for advertisers consistently, with a big change every 4-6 months. 2. The prices of a Facebook ad has skyrocketed. (I ran the exact same campaign in 2009 and again in 2011. Price per […]

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Random Marketing / April 1, 2012

What is the Difference

What is the difference (broad match SEO value) = 9,140,000 Exact match: 1,900   In other words, there are millions of searches using this long phrase with even more words. Exact search is very, very low so we are looking at an extensive list of keywords of great length. I would also expect significant trending. […]

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Facebook Advertising / March 18, 2012

Can I target a Facebook ad by religion

Can I target a Facebook ad by religion? You can, in a different way… If you are interested in Buddhists, I would target Buddha, Zen, popular Buddhist books etc. Religious holidays are also good fit if they are specific, for example Christmas is celebrated by non-Christians. You cannot directly advertise to a particular religion; however […]

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SEO / March 11, 2012

.co is a generic ccTLD

So that is a confusing little nugget of information… .co since it is sold often as a company domain, so its not treated like the other ccTLDs. Even though its the domain for the country of Columbia. So the question of duplicate content and the apparent lack of a rule if there is content on […]

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Facebook Advertising / March 4, 2012

Cost of advertising on Facebook

There are two parts to the cost of advertising on Facebook. 1. Time 2. Monetary   1. Time. The time cost of advertising on Facebook is enormous. Even with the updated interface, the time spent finding the images, writing the ad body and if applicable, the titles and uploading those ads takes a lot of […]

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SEO / February 25, 2012

Search Engine Optimization SEO

My thoughts on online marketing usually take me two directions. 1. SEO 2. Facebook Advertising Why? Well back in the day I was an economics student, I strived to find the answer to the black box that is economics. I wanted to make my mark by relieving unemployment, increasing the value of our fiat money and turn […]

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Facebook Advertising / February 18, 2012

Facebook ad coupon 2012

  Currently: No Facebook ad coupons in 2012 to my knowledge A couple of pages with coupons: ALL ARE UNVERIFIED, please let me know if they don’t work for you.$50-Facebook-Ad-Coupon This page will be updated as they become verified or known to not work.   Facebook ads coupons are usually given as […]

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